Jumat, 07 November 2014


Paket Uang Koin Rupiah Lama Indonesia                                           Rp5 Logam Kecil warna putih"KB"Tahun 1979-Menuju Kesejahteraan Rakyat-Rp5 Rupiah Logam Besar Warna putih"KB"Tahun 1974-Menuju Kesejahteraan Rakyat-Rp 10 Logam Warna putih"Menabung untuk Menunjang Pembangunan"Tahun 1974-Rp 10 Logam Kecil"Tingkatkan Produksi Sandang Pangan"Tahun 1971-Rp 25Burung Tahun 1971-Rp 25 Buah Pala Tahun 1993-Rp50 Burung Cendrawasih Tahun 1971-Rp 50Komodo Tahun 1993 warna Kuning-Rp 50 Warna putih Alumunium-Rp100 Tipis"Hutan Untuk Kesejahteraan"Tahun 1978-Rp 100 Tebal"Rumah Gadang"Tahun 1973-Rp 100 Karapan Sapi Tahun 1996-Rp 500 Bunga Melati Tahun 2002                                  @Harga Rp325000

1 komentar:

  1. I was worried when I was about to purchase my house with my bad credit score. I was declined a loan from my bank and couldn't get it. I explained to a friend, he then introduced me to the greatest man of all time ( Mr Benjamin Lee) . I explained my problem to him by sending a text to his mail and he helped me get everything solved in the space of 3 working days. He granted me a loan of 3,000,000.00 Euros to pay for my house in which I also used to expand my business as well. May God bless him! you can apply for a quick loan from Mr Benjamin Lee who is working with a group of investors..He’s the wizard everyone is talking about all over the internet..Contact him via Mail on 247officedept@gmail.com. WhatsApp Number: +1-989-394-3740
